Jamie Graham Duprey

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Disclaimer: Not Exactly a Blog, (Yet Equally as Exciting!)

Sixteen years ago I attended a weekend training on the skill of active listening. Up until that point in my life I had never considered listening as either “active” or a skill. Long story short: it changed my life!

I began to consider interactions and relationships in new ways. My spouse also attended the training—and he often trains with me—and engaging intentionally in active listening has been an incredible gift in our marriage.

Shortly after that initial training I had a phone interview (phone interviews were not common in 2010). The man who hired me—now one of my favorite people—has since told me again and again that he never thought in a million years he would hire someone via a phone interview, but after our conversation he felt like he had no choice but to hire me. I told him it was because I actively listened!

I could go on and on, (but I am a little tired and ready to eat dinner). I always want to share about active listening with anyone who will, well, listen, and so I am sharing a two-part training on May 14th & 21st. Please consider joining me!

(I made a cute flyer with all the info but can’t seem to be able to attach it here. If you are interested, please email me and I will get you all the details!)