Jamie Graham Duprey

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A new friend and fellow coach of mine, Barbara, is so great about being intentional in celebrating milestones. The first time I was coaching her, she shared about a block party she and her husband organized. The block party was a celebration not only of the milestone of their family moving, but also to connect and celebrate with new neighbors. I love that! I am a big checklist person, and rarely do I make a point to stop, reflect on, and celebrate accomplishments– no time to stop and celebrate when there is still more on the checklist! (The sneaky truth is, there is always more on the checklist!) 

The other night I was checking my email in the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. My publisher had sent an email (let's pause right there for a minute – do I sound fancy or what?) telling me that my manuscript was being officially sent to the printer! Wahoo! I looked up from my computer screen with wildly wide, excited eyes and an open-mouthed smile, searching for someone to share this exciting moment with. But alas, no one caught my eye. In fact, when I did catch someone’s eye it seemed he or she was quite quick to look away. Perhaps my attempt was a little too enthusiastic, eyes and smile a little too eager and smiley?   

I asked God to help me find either a friendly face, or better yet, a familiar face and started walking gate to gate. Right around gate C12 I looked over to a Buffalo Wild Wings booth. I immediately saw three young adults who had been at the same retreat as me in Georgia over the weekend! They met my eyes, locked on, and . . . smiled! (Whew– relief!) 

These three young adults (recently I found out I no longer fit in to the “young adult” category, which is interesting to digest. Also, I am unsure then to what category I do fit, but more on that later) were sharing appetizers and a round. They asked me to join them (or did I ask them? Details are a little fuzzy), ordered a Guiness, and clanked my glass with theirs to a hearty “Cheers!” 

That clank of the glass and shared swallow satisfied. 

“Celebrate, check.” 

Now on to the next list item. Blog you later.