Growth Edge

My knees jiggle. My mouth dries up. Heat rises in my body. These are all signs that I am working within a personal growth edge, (like public speaking and self promotion). I looked up the phrase, and my basic understanding says a growth edge is a space—often vulnerable—where there is an opportunity for improvement.

I have identified that speaking in public and self promotion are both areas that I would like to improve upon, (and there is a lot of room for improvement, believe me). I know this. I have named this. But sometimes . . . I just don’t want to (insert arm cross here). Because it is uncomfortable. Because it makes me nervous. Because why not just stick to the things I know?

I have a young adult client who is awaiting paperwork to go through for a work visa so she can pursue her dream of living abroad. She shared about the struggle with the timeline constantly changing, details not lining up, and how difficult it is living in limbo. She talked about the fact that she could quite easily give up on waiting and simply stay in her current situation, a situation where she has a stable job and income, living quarters, and is extremely comfortable:

“I imagine this is how a caterpillar feels snuggled up in its cocoon: I’m so cozy in here and I don’t know what’s waiting for me on the other side… why would I leave?

Yet like that caterpillar, I know I can’t stay in the cocoon forever, no matter how cozy and happy I feel there. There eventually comes a time where the knowing you need to go outweighs the fear of uncertainty about what’s to come. I know I can’t stay just because everything feels good. Even though it’s sooooooo tempting.”

Exactly! Why would I leave?

Well, the cocoon analogy is spot on. But we are not caterpillars. And sometimes jumping into new spaces does not turn us into butterflies. Sometimes, actually, we fall flat (look at me, linking past blog posts like a pro). So why would we risk it? Why would we jump into something when we really do not know what the result may be?

Last night I was voluntold to speak in front of a large group of my community members. (Basically my nightmare.) I could have said no. But I knew it matched up with my mission statement, (which is something about inspiring, equipping and encouraging people, blah blah blah. Not gonna lie, when I thought about speaking in front of everyone, I momentarily thought, “Mission statement, shmission statement”).

I decided to risk it. Did I wow the audience with my eloquence and poise? No. Did I fall flat on my face? Also, no. Did I do something I knew was worthwhile, albeit nerve-racking and stressful? Yes. So good for me. Now it’s your turn.

  • What are your growth edges?

  • When is a time when you took a risk and ended up being glad you did? Ended up regretting it?

  • Why do we take risks?

  • Who has encouraged you when working on/through growth edges?

Please share your responses by emailing me back! We need encouragement and accountability, and that is what I am here for.

Now that I have almost typed enough words to meet the magical blog word count quota, (enforced by no one), here is one more stab at working on a growth edge:

If you have read my first memoir, The Yellow Sports Bra: A True Story of Love, Faith, and Basketball, will you please take a minute and write an Amazon review here: (Apparently Amazon reviews really help “Google bot traffic,” or something like that, even though “Google bots” sounds made up to me.)

And if there is someone in your life you think will be inspired, equipped, and encouraged by my book, please gift it to them! If you want me to sign it special, I would love to do that!

Thank you! It means a lot! And keep growing!