Helpful Worry

March 30, 2020

Our daughter Jordan Kate turned twelve today! Somehow she seems like such a mature little lady yet still such a sweet little girl all at the same time! Right around eleven years ago, Jordan had a terrible accident and for a moment we weren’t sure if she would survive. I am learning and realizing that when we are in the middle of crisis and grief, past griefs rear their heads. Jer and I had just been telling this story of Jordan a couple days ago. Then last night my father-in-law asked specifically about this accident. It was on our minds. So I looked up the email I wrote when she was in the hospital:

Hello all,

Yesterday evening, just before dinner, Jordan managed to slip through the rails on the balcony of our 2nd story apartment and landed on the cement. Right when I got her in my arms, she was moaning, but at least awake and moving all her limbs. The men in the ambulance were incredible, and Jordan would stop whimpering long enough to wave "Hi" & "Bye bye" to them. She also tried to make a few baby signs on the way, which kept my heart at peace.  

We have been very well taken care of here at MCV, and after many scans, tests, and observations, we have received the best news possible, considering the circumstances. Jordan has three fractures on her skull (picture them sort of like she was wearing a headband), but they separated cleanly and there is absolutely no need for surgery; they should heal perfectly in up to four weeks. Her brain is absolutely unscathed- she even started saying "Uh-oh!"  She's been signing "Thank you" and "ALL DONE" to the nurses when they've been taking her blood, etc. Such a polite, intelligent, beautiful, sassy little girl! :)

We received the final word of clearance from the neurosurgeon and pediatric surgeon this morning, so we got to take off her neck brace and now she gets to eat! She just finished some Cheerios and peanut butter crackers, sucked down some apple juice, and now she is walking around the hallways, with only a little help from Daddy. 

Thank you thank you for all your prayers; the power of prayer truly is overwhelming. I know our lives are in God's hands, but sometimes that fact is really just thrust in our faces! Never have I understood the phrase "in the blink of an eye" so well. Just a reminder to turn to Him in celebrations and crises. Love you all so much. Now go give your kids/parents/friends/loved ones a big hug and say a prayer for this life we get to live while we're here!  


Jamie, Jeremy, and THE JORDAN KATE”

Whew! That still brings up a lot of emotions! 

My father-in-law, David, wrote about that time and the fact he will never forget what one of the doctors said to us before ending her shift that night: “I will be worrying about Jordan.” 

David noted how that brought us great comfort, because the doctor was expressing helpful worry, as opposed to unhelpful anxiety. He quoted the book of Philipians, where Paul tells us not to be anxious. We know sometimes we are anxious. That is the way we are wired. But it helps to name our helpful worry, and as David reflected, “note that Paul teaches us where to go when we have put aside unhelpful anxiety and wish to put our helpful worry to good use.” ( password: john114). 

So here I am, helpfully worrying about all of you! You got this (whatever your “this” is)!