Peter, Peter

Looking forward to having my dear friend Peter on my podcast. Peter was the best man in our wedding, and he and I are going to discuss adult friendships. We had a few pictures to choose from for the podcast cover, and here are the two we narrowed it down to a stately picture of Peter now and a throwback of Peter & me at a dance in college. I think we made a great choice.

As you listen, consider your own adult friendships.

  • Who are some of your closest friends?

  • Who have you lost touch with but still consider an important friend?

  • How have your friendships evolved over the the years?

  • What makes you a good friend?

  • What do you wish were different when it comes to considering friendships?

  • What are you most grateful for when you think of your friends?

Peter & I will record a live podcast on Wednesday, February 12th @ 9:00 Mountain / 10:00 Central. After that, there will be a link where you can listen at your leisure.,37587.html