
My first audiobook is available now! I have had several people tell me they either don’t like to read or don’t have time to read, but they do love to listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

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"The Second Half" Podcast

I want to share my first episode of my podcast, “The Second Half.” My wonderful husband Jeremy was my first guest, and it was fun—as always—engaging in conversation with him. My hope is to wonder about who we are, what we are passionate about, and what we are doing—or want to do—about and with those passions. And my hope, as always, is to encourage others.

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Disclaimer: Not Exactly a Blog, (Yet Equally as Exciting!)

Sixteen years ago I attended a weekend training on the skill of active listening. Up until that point in my life I had never considered listening as either “active” or a skill. Long story short: it changed my life!

I began to consider interactions and relationships in new ways. My spouse also attended the training—and he often trains with me—and engaging intentionally in active listening has been an incredible gift in our marriage.

Shortly after that initial training I had a phone interview (phone interviews were not common in 2010). The man who hired me—now one of my favorite people—has since told me again and again that he never thought in a million years he would hire someone via a phone interview, but after our conversation he felt like he had no choice but to hire me. I told him it was because I actively listened!

I could go on and on, (but I am a little tired and ready to eat dinner). I always want to share about active listening with anyone who will, well, listen, and so I am sharing a two-part training on May 14th & 21st. Please consider joining me!

(I made a cute flyer with all the info but can’t seem to be able to attach it here. If you are interested, please email me and I will get you all the details!)

Tres mas


In case you have still missed my new Substack profile, this will get you all caught up. Please subscribe and support my writing!


Substack Take 2

Good morning!

As I mentioned earlier, I am experimenting with the Substack site. Sounds like it was tricky finding my actual story due to link confusion. My apologies!

Please try again.

Here is a link to my first Substack article, titled “Groundhog’s Day.”

Here is a link to my new one, “I Can Write!”

Enjoy and let me know your thoughts! (And if you like it, please click the “Like” button!)

New Site, Same Fun Writing

Hello, all!

Thank you for reading my blogs. My hope is to connect with you, encourage you, offer points to ponder—with the goal of self reflection and growth—and to hopefully make you smile and laugh here and there.

Thanks to encouragement from my friend Russell, I am moving my blog posts to my new Substack space. We are going to give this a try. Please click on the link and remember to subscribe.

Thanks for being willing to explore this new space with me!

Yoga Pants

Today I lost my purple workout pants in the Walmart parking lot. (I was wearing the pants on the way in to Walmart.) It was when I got to our house and unpacked the groceries from the van that I realized said pants were missing. My eyes closed and my head shook as I thought—with little surprise—about the fact that as an almost forty-year-old “adult” woman my next task was to call a store and ask if they had found my lost stretch pants.

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Can You Help Me?

Good news! I am back, and it has not been over a year.

Yesterday was shaping up to be an exciting day. Why so exciting, you ask? Let me back up. Last Friday, I did something I do not do:a) very well b) very often

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Budget This

Last Friday morning found me sitting in a coffee shop, sipping a hot latte and sitting next to my spouse on a fairly comfortable brown faux-leather couch. We were hanging out for a couple hours while waiting for a phone call letting us know our vehicles were ready (where we live, people have to switch from “snow” to “summer” tires ).

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Growth Edge

My knees jiggle. My mouth dries up. Heat rises in my body. These are all signs that I am working within a personal growth edge, (like public speaking and self promotion). I looked up the phrase, and my basic understanding says a growth edge is a space—often vulnerable—where there is an opportunity for improvement.

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Lead Me!

A former athlete I had the pleasure of coaching a handful of years ago contacted me for an interview for a college course she is taking on leadership (long sentence). I spend a lot of my time asking questions and actively listening, so it was interesting being interviewed with the expectation being that I would impart wisdom and advice (note: imparting wisdom and advice = not my favorite thing).

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Don't Turn Yet!

I get to accompany our middle and high school choirs for their concerts. When I start playing, I get nervous. I begin to anticipate different sections of the score that have been tricky for me when practicing.

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Happy Holidays! And Sad, Too

There is a small pile of envelopes and folded papers in a box on the bench at the end of our bed (the last part of that sentence sounds super Dr. Seuss-y). These are the remnants of our Christmas letters and address list. It is time for me to clear off this clutter. But I am having a hard time clearing off the clutter.

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Dear Child

My dear child,

You sometimes ask why we make you (you say “make,” but we prefer “highly encourage”) join groups and teams. Why you have to learn an instrument, play a sport, try out for a play, sing in a choir, help with Sunday school.

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Kronos: Part Deux

So what did you come up with? How you are apt to spend your time? Overall, how pleased are you with how you budget your time? Sometimes do you wish you could just look at the camera and request a “time-out,” like Zack Morris in Saved by the Bell?

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Kronos: Part I

Everybody has me. Most people wish they had more of me. People are generally quite concerned about what in the world happened to me (it’s okay— you can’t hurt me). Often people do not want to share me. They sometimes talk about how sneaky I can be. I never change, but I never stop. I may or may not be on your side (your opinion, not mine).

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